At our core, we understand that financial well-being is not merely about numbers and investments but about mapping out a roadmap for your aspirations, security, and peace of mind. Whether you’re considering your first steps toward financial stability or distributing a lifetime of wealth to the next generation, our goal is to guide you through the intricacies of financial planning. The outcome will be a robust and personalized financial plan that aligns with your unique situation and goals. During our partnership, we will equip you with the knowledge, tools and strategies you need to successfully implement your plan.

Throughout this process. we will act with care, honesty, and good faith, always in the best interest of our clients. For that reason, we are transparent in our fees and the only income we receive for the plans and advice we provide is our planning fees.

Starting at $4,200, a comprehensive financial plan covers all 6 aspects of financial planning shown below. It is a full review of your current and future financial standing. With this plan you cover everything at once. It will answer the questions below and more.

  • Estate Planning

    What legacy will you create?

    Do your documents accurately reflect your intentions?

    Have you minimized taxes and probate fees payable to the government?

    Will your estate be simple or complicated to administer?

    How can we prevent conflict within the family?

  • Insurance Planning

    Are you prepared for the unexpected?

    How will you protect yourself and your family or business?

    Do you understand the insurance coverage you currently have?

  • Retirement Planning

    When can you retire?

    Will you be able to live your desired lifestyle after you stop working?

    Which pension option is best for you?

    When will you start your government benefits?

  • Tax Planning

    Are you taking advantage of available tax credits and deductions?

    Are you allocating your savings to maximize tax shelters & deductions?

    Are you holding your investments tax efficiently?

  • Investment Planning

    Is your money working for you?

    Are your investments earning enough to reach your goals?

    Is the portfolio risk level appropriate?

    Are you over concentrated to one industry or asset class?

    Have your investments evolved with your life and changing needs?

    What sort of investment professional is best for you?

  • Cashflow Planning

    Have you optimized cashflow to balance current and future needs? 

    Is your cashflow being directed to the right places now?

    Are you maximizing your savings with employer matching, tax savings, and/or government grants?

Our Approach

Our comprehensive financial planning service is a bespoke, all-encompassing solution designed to address every facet of your financial landscape. Our team follows a disciplined approach, laid out in more detail here.

At the end of the process, you will walk away with a written document of recommendations tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind and empower you to make informed decisions that can lead to financial success.

Time Commitment

Financial planning is a journey, not a destination. Many clients find the planning process has as much benefit as the final written plan.  Alitis will be your partner and guide through the process, however your engagement is the key factor in your plans’ success.

As each financial plan is completely customized, the amount of time it takes from the initial meeting to the recommendations stage will vary depending on a few factors:

  • The speed at which you can provide your personal financial information
  • The availability for meetings for both parties
  • The complexity of your situation

Generally, there will be 2 to 4 meetings from introduction to final recommendations. Meetings are generally 1 to 1.5 hours each in duration. You will need to provide detailed records and statements of your personal & financial information.